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履历过极端多雨的2023年秋季、冬季,以及2024年的春季,我们迎来一个很是欠亨俗的收获季节 。难以忘怀,体现于作物生产的方方面面 。


在我们20243月、4月、6月的市场通讯中,及近期的交流中,我们已经诠释了郁金香种球供应少的缘故原由 。

1 由于2023年的作物差导致籽球缺乏,以及镰刀菌的影响,导致2024年的莳植面积下降5% 。

2 1974年以来最差的莳植季节爆发了,源于2023年秋季、冬季历史性的降雨 。

3 欧洲及其它国家极高的郁金香鲜花价钱 。

4 相对温暖的2023年冬季及2024年春节,导致野外里的郁金香生长发育早 。

5 456月一连的降雨及冰雹 。

6 地里的郁金香着花不整齐,以及许多田地泛起水灾 。


2024年的春季(345月)是荷兰125年来最湿润、最温暖的春季 。平均温度11.8℃高于9.9℃的恒久平均温度 。最湿润,体现在262mm的降雨量,高于142mm的恒久平均降雨量 。


20244月郁金香着花不规则且早 。多雨而凉爽的5月通常是有助于郁金香生长的,地里不会收到高温及强光的影响,然而,许多地都被雨水和冰雹破损了 。我们看到,统一块地里生长差别很是大 。多雨且凉爽的天气一连到6月 。


由于温暖的春季导致郁金香生长早,收获也早 。一方面,一连的降雨导致严重的灰霉病,另一方面秋季的多雨导致根生长很差 。收获早,通常意味着收获效果差 。由于雨依然一连,收获难题 。所有的莳植地,无论是粘土地,照旧砂土地,无论是南北,照旧工具,收获效果令人很是失望 。在莳植区域HillegomBreezand,关于那些没有生长出规格12/+,以及很是少量的规格为11/12的郁金香种球的土地,完完全全就是灾难 。我们最好的种球生尊长,见告我们,印象系列郁金香以及其它达尔文郁金香,凭证差别的种球规格,有30-70%的缺口 。


缺额云云之多,甚至缺口来自于我们优选的、恒久最信托的种球生产者 。2023年已经是历史很差的收获季了,欠收约20%的可销售的郁金香种球,凭证这个比例,盘算出2023幼年收10亿个郁金香种球 。2024年甚至更差,我们预计欠收40%,相当于约20亿个郁金香商品种球缺失 。


许多老一些的郁金香种球生产者说,今年的收获效果比60年前的1963年还要差 。平均来算,种球生产者损失15000欧元/公顷,源于本钱的增添以及收入的镌汰 。并且,由于多雨,我们很担心种球的质量,特殊是镰刀菌和腐败 。市场上有限的在售种球已经天价 。


附原文,改文发自2024年8月1日收到作者的电子邮件 。


August 2024


Dear Madam/Sir,


Thank you for your usual cooperation.


After an extremely rainy autumn, winter and spring, we are having a very unusual harvest season. A year to never forget, in all aspects of the growing.


In our previous growing and market reports of March, April, and June 2024, and in our other recent communications, we explained the reasons for the limited availability of tulip bulbs as follows:


1.     The planted acreage decreased by almost 5%, due to the lack of planting stock as a result of the poor crop results of 2023 and numerous fusarium quality problems.

2.     The worst planting season since 1974 due to historically heavy rainfall last autumn and winter.

3.     Extremely high tulip flower prices in Europe and many other countries.

4.     Relatively warm weather in winter and spring, causing early growing in the fields.

5.     Continuous rainfall and even hail in April, May and June.

6.     Irregular flowering of the fields and much water damage.


Spring (March, April and May) in the Netherlands in 2024 was the warmest and wettest in 125 years. The average temperature was 11.8?C instead of the long-standing average of 9.9?C. It was also the wettest, with 262 mm instead of an average 142 mm of rainfall. You can find the monthly updated weather data on our website 2024 | Weer | Jan de Wit en Zonen B.V.


The tulips flowered irregularly but quite early in April. The rainy and cool weather in May was basically good for tulip growing. The fields did not suffer from high temperatures or strong sunshine. However, many fields had damage from water and hail. The differences in growth per field can vary a lot. The cool and rainy weather continued into June.


The growers started harvesting early because of the warm spring with early growth. The fields died quickly because of the poor rooting in autumn and severe botrytis due to persistent rainfall.  An early harvest is usually a bad harvest. The harvesting was difficult as the rain still continued. The harvest  results are very disappointing from our growers from all major production areas, both on clay and sandy soils, south and north, east and west. There are complete disasters with fields producing no 12/+ and very little 11/12. From the sandy soils, both in Hillegom and Breezand, our top growers informed us of the Impression series and other Darwin hybrid varieties with shortages ranging from 30-70%, depending on the size.


There are many shortages, even from our selected, long-term, most reliable tulip growers. Crop 2023 was already a historically bad harvest with a shortage of around 20% of commercial tulip bulbs. If you calculate this over the total tulip production, this was an estimated shortage of more than 1 billion tulips. The results of crop 2024 are even worse, and we now estimate a shortage of around 40%, which amounts to a shortage of more than 2 billion tulip bulbs.


Some older tulip growers say the harvest results are even worse than in 1963, more than 60 years ago. On average, the tulip bulb growers are losing 15,000 euros per ha due to the increased growing costs and reduced income. Moreover, we are concerned about bulb quality under these rainy conditions, especially for fusarium and rot. The bulb prices for the limited remaining quantities have become sky-high.


Anyhow, under these difficult circumstances, we would like to keep in touch with you as much as possible by phone, video calls, e-mail, etc., and through our livestreams. We would like to invite you to follow us on our social media for updates on our activities, photos, etc. You can find our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/jandewitenzonen/, our Instagram page at www.instagram.com/jandewitenzonen/ and our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/jandewitenzonenbv. We also recommend visiting our website www.jandewitenzonen.com for information and photos. You can always contact us for a personal video meeting. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate your kind understanding and patience.           

Best regards, 

Jan de Wit

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